Submitted & Working Papers

  • Green Asset Pricing, with  G Benmir (LSE) & I Jaccard (ECB Research).
    Media: BloombergCentral BankingECB Research BulletinSpeech by Christine LagardeVoxEuFinancial Times
    2021 European Finance Association Best Paper in Responsible Finance.
    R&R Journal of Finance.
  • The Dynamic Effects of Weather Shocks on Agricultural Production with  C Crofils (Dauphine) & E Gallic (AMSE).
    R&R Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
  • Reallocation and Heterogeneous Elasticities in Production Networks with  C Poirier (Dauphine) .
  • The New Keynesian Climate model with JG Sahuc (Banque de France), & F Smets (ECB).
  • A General Equilibrium Approach to Carbon Permit Banking with L Dubois, & JG Sahuc (Banque de France).
    R&R Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
  • Soft-Landing and Inflation Scares with Jim Bullard (Purdue University), Alex Grimaud (OeNB), Isabelle Salle (Ottawa University).

Published papers

  • Social learning expectations: microfoundations and a Dynare toolbox with A Grimaud (OeNB), & I Salle (U. Ottawa).
    Conditionnally accepted at Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
  • Social Learning about Monetary Policy at the Effective-Lower Bound, with J Arifovic, A Grimaud, & I Salle.
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2024)
  • Optimal Monetary Policy in an Estimated SIR Model (2023) with G Benmir & I Jaccard.
    European Economic Review.
  • Weather Shocks (2020) , w/ E Gallic.
    European Economic Review.
  • Global Banking and the Conduct of Macroprudential Policy in a Monetary Union (2017) , w/ JC Poutineau.
    Journal of Macroeconomics.
  • Financial Frictions and the Extensive Margin of Activity (2015) , w/ JC Poutineau.
    Research in Economics.
  • Cross-border Banking Flows Spillovers in the Eurozone: Evidence from an Estimated DSGE Model (2015) , w/ JC Poutineau.
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Articles for teaching

  • International monetary policy coordination in a new Keynesian model with NICE features (2018) , w/ JC Poutineau.
    Journal of Economic Education.
  • The analytics of the 3-equation New Keynesian Model (2015) , w/ JC Poutineau and K Sobczak.
    Economics and Business Review.
  • A Primer on Macroprudential Policy (2015) , w/ JC Poutineau.
    Journal of Economic Education.

French Papers (3)