For my PhD I’d been needing a Scientific Workplace to Matlab/R converter to test fastly different steady states. I wrote that converter to get in one clic some matlab code directly from scientific workplace. In the picture, i give an example with Hansen’s steady states: you just have to copy from your scientific workplace document and paste it in the LaTeX2Matlab windows. I wrote the converter in PHP directly.
→direct link to LaTeX2Matlab
R Codes from my post about the Reinhart-Rogoff working paperCodes R pour l’article : “Austérité en zone euro et l’erreur calcul de Reinhart-Rogoff”
[latexpage]In this post, I explain how to make two graphs from my post dealing with the article of Reinhart and Rogoff (french). The first figure is simple plot while the other is non parametric estimate by Splines.
[latexpage]Je vais expliquer dans ce post comment faire les deux graphiques du post sur l’article de Reinhart et Rogoff sous le logiciel R en faisant un peu d’économétrie non paramétrique.